Thursday 5 September 2013


* A Rank Correlation Based Detection against Distributed Reflection DoS Attacks
* A Resource Allocation Scheme for Scalable Video Multicast in WiMAX Relay Networks
* Adaptive Position Update for Geographic Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
* ALERT: An Anonymous Location-Based Efficient Routing Protocol in MANETs
* An Efficient and Robust Addressing Protocol for Node Auto-configuration in Ad Hoc Networks
* Analysis of Distance Based Location Management in Wireless Communication Networks
* Back Pressure based Packet-by-Packet Adaptive Routing in Communication Networks
* BAHG: Back-Bone-Assisted Hop Greedy Routing for VANET’s City Environments
* Capacity of Hybrid Wireless Mesh Networks with Random APs
* Channel Allocation and Routing in Hybrid Multichannel Multiradio Wireless Mesh Networks
* Coloring Based Inter WBAN Scheduling for Mobile Wireless Body Area Networks
* Cross Layer Design of Congestion Control and Power Control in Fast Fading Wireless Networks
* DCIM: Distributed Cache Invalidation Method for Maintaining Cache Consistency in Wireless Mobile Networks
* Delay Optimal Broadcast for Multihop Wireless Networks using Self –Interference Cancellation
* Detection and Localization of Multiple Spoofing Attackers in Wireless Networks
* Discovery and Verification of Neighbor Positions in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
* Distance Bounding - A Practical Security Solution for Real Time Location Systems
* Distributed Cooperative Caching in Social Wireless Networks
* EAACK - A Secure Intrusion Detection System for MANETs
* Efficient Algorithms for Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks
* Enhanced OLSR for Defense against DOS Attack in Ad Hoc Networks
* Exploiting Ubiquitous Data Collection for Mobile Users in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Harvesting - Aware Energy Management for Time-Critical Wireless Sensor Networks with Joint Voltage and Modulation Scaling
* In Network Estimation with Delay Constraints in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Mobile Relay Configuration in Data Intensive Wireless Sensor Networks
* Model Based Analysis of Wireless System Architectures for Real-Time Applications
* Network Traffic Classification using Correlation Information
* On Exploiting Transient Social Contact Patterns for Data Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks
* Opportunistic MANETs: Mobility Can Make up for Low Transmission Power
* Optimal Multicast Capacity and Delay Tradeoffs in MANETs
* Power Allocation for Statistical QoS Provisioning in Opportunistic Multi Relay DF Cognitive Networks
* Proteus: Multiflow Diversity Routing for Wireless Networks with Cooperative Transmissions
* Quality- Differentiated Video Multicast in Multirate Wireless Networks
* Strategies for Energy-Efficient Resource Management of Hybrid Programming Models
* Target Tracking and Mobile Sensor Navigation in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Toward a Statistical Framework for Source Anonymity in Sensor Networks
* Toward Privacy Preserving and Collusion Resistance in a Location Proof Updating System


* A Scalable Server Architecture for Mobile Presence Services in Social Network Applications
* A Fast Clustering- Based Feature Subset Selection Algorithm for High- Dimensional Data
* A Generalized Flow based Method for Analysis of Implicit Relationships on Wikipedia
* A Proxy based Approach to Continuous Location based Spatial Queries in Mobile Environments
* AML Efficient Approximate Membership Localization within a Web- Based Join Framework
* Analysis of Distance based Location Management in Wireless Communication Networks
* Anonymization of Centralized and Distributed Social Networks by Sequential Clustering
* CloudFTP: A Case Study of Migrating Traditional Applications to the Cloud
* Crowd sourced Trace Similarity with Smartphones
* Discovery and Verification of Neighbor Positions in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
* Distributed Web Systems Performance Forecasting using Turning Bands Method
* Dynamic Personalized Recommendation on Sparse Data
* Evaluating Data Reliability An Evidential Answer with Application to a Web Enabled Data Warehouse
* Exploiting Ubiquitous Data Collection for Mobile users in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Finding Rare Classes Active Learning with Generative and Discriminative Models
* Ranking on Data Manifold with Sink Points
* Region based Foldings in Process Discovery
* Research in Progress - Defending Android Smartphones from Malware Attacks
* Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing using Attribute based Encryption
* Secure Encounter based Mobile Social Networks: Requirements, Designs, and Tradeoffs
* Security Analysis of a Single Sign - On Mechanism for Distributed Computer Networks
* SPOC: A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Opportunistic Computing Framework for Mobile-Healthcare Emergency
* SSD A Robust RF Location Fingerprint Addressing Mobile Devices’ Heterogeneity
* Target Tracking and Mobile Sensor Navigation in Wireless Sensor Networks
* T-Drive: Enhancing Driving Directions with Taxi Drivers’ Intelligence
* Toward Privacy Preserving and Collusion Resistance in a Location Proof Updating System

2013 ieee projects in Android, bulk ieee Android projects, ieee projects, ieee projects 2013, Android ieee projects 2013-14, Android ieee projects, mobile computing cloud computing networking,

JAVA PROJECTS, 2013-14 NON IEEE JAVA PROJECTS, Java Real Time Final Year Student Projects Application Projects Networking Projects

Smarter way to do your Projects
* Mobile Banking Design & Implementation
* Distributed Data mining in Credit Card Fraud Detection Analysis
* E-Logistics for Warehouse Management - Implementation of Authenticated & Dynamic Logistics Support System & Management
* Java Productivity Aids to Track the Control Flow, Parsing, Control Flow & Log Reader
* J2ME Implementation of POP3 Client System  / J2ME Mail Client Server Implementation / Mail Downloader Using J2ME
* Authenticating Network Attached Storage
* Static Image Hand Gesture Recognition using Neural Networks
* Distributed Component Router based Supply Chain Management System  – SCM
* Intelli WAP System Implementation  / WAP based information Retrieval System
* Proxy Server - Design and Implementation
* E-Recruitment System  - Dynamic Online Professional Recruitment  & Management System
* Secure Password-Based Protocol for Downloading a Private Key
* Homogeneous Networks & Control Implementation
* Secure Optimal Cyclic Cryptographic System
* Multithreaded Peer-to-Peer Communication using Distributed Frameworks
* Building Intelligent Shopping Assistant using Data mining technique for Web Services
* Network Analyzer & Network Monitoring Tool using SNMP
* Remote Computing using Thin Clients
* VVoIP – Voice with Video Over IP Networks
* Dynamic Character & Pattern Recognition using Neural Networks
* Proxy Server  - A Smart Sharing System with Fire wall Protection, Customized Firewall for internet security & inter-network traffic gateway
* Location Aided Routing in Mobile ADHOC Networks for Secured Routing
* Digital Signature Verification using Artificial Neural Networks / Digital Signature Verification
* A/I Net A Network that Integrates ATM and IP
* E–Secure Transaction – Design & Implementation
* Efficient Contiguous Data & Video Streamer with Buffer Management
* Distributed Component Router Based CRM  – Customer Relationship Management
* Digital Steganography: Hiding Data within Data
* Integrated Development Environment using JSWING – IDE JSWING
* ERP Application  – integrated Enterprise Solutions with Strategic advantages
* Grid information Retrieval System
* Network Packer Sniffer Implementation
* Online Issue Tracking - Project Management Solutions
* E-HealthCare  - Distributed HealthCare and A Strategic Management System
* Data mining implementation for Credit Cards Application Processing System
* Dynamic University Linking & Data integrity Maintenance
* Online Task Management with fully featured intelli System
* Vertical Market Information Providing System Implementation
* E-Sales Order Processing System
* RTF to XML Converter
* Material Forecasting and Management Solution
* XML  (Extensible Markup Language) enabled SQL for Storing  & Retrieving Data
* XML Migration - Implementation for XML format from Database System
* Shares  & Stock Management system  – Portfolio Manager Implementation
* Inter Office Messaging System – IOMS, Office Automation System
* Web based Matrimonial Services, A Desi Matrimony web Portal
* Online Auction & Bidding System With Multi Brand & Product Selection
* Online Body Shopping System with Auto Mailing feature
* Intelli Shopping Cart & Assistant System
* Online VRS - Vehicle Reservation System
* Distributed Web Service for On-Line Coursework Submission
* Document Archival Management System – Electronic Archival Design
* Computerized system for Extracting Abstract from the given source document, Abstract solutions
* Dynamic College information System & Data integrity Maintenance
* eCareer & Consultancy Service Online            
* eGovernance Design & Implementation System        
* EAI Approach – Implementation of EAI in Hotel Management System
* Online Event Management with featured intelli system
* Online Hospital info System with interactive Services  & Universal Medical Portal with Adviser
* Digital Water Marking for Video Piracy Detection
* Distributed File Sharing System for Peer to Peer Network
* E-Commerce Shopping cart for B2B Implementation
* EJB Implementation of Distributed Online Stock Maintenance and Trading
* Heterogeneous Networks Control and Implementation
* Online Web based Complete Recruitment System
* Distributed Database System for online Shopping & Store
* Web based Distributor Information Providing Services
* Insurance System, Online Insurance Solutions Provider
* Integrating Data and Voice Networks – VoIP
* Asynchronous Transfer Mode  (ATM) Networks  & intelligent Packet Filtering to Avoid Traffic & Congestion
* Video Transmission using SIP
* Web based Chatting - Multi User Voice Chat
* SIP - Session Initialization Protocol, Chatting
* Monitoring & Managing the Clusters using JMX
* Mobile Agents in a Distributed Multimedia Database System
* P2P (peer-to-peer networking) messaging system-using JXTA
* Scalable Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Simulation using XTC
* Voice Web Browser Implementation
* Network Analyzer, Design & Implementation
* Routing Simulator - An Efficient end to end Packet Delivery system
* Remote Viewer – A Remote Desktop viewer for an Intranet Environment
* Remote City Mapping Implementation using J2ME
* IMAP - Internet Mail Access Protocol using Internet Engineering Task Force
* Online PDA – Primary Domain Controller System
* Java Virtual Pad - RFB protocol based Desktop sharing exclusively or on request
* Portable and Generic tool for Web Applications
* Network Document Management & Versioning System
* Multi Threaded implementation with Pull / Push Technology
* Web Based Bug Tracking System Implementation
* Mobile Agent Software for Payroll Processing System
* Human Resource Management Solutions (HRMS)
* Online web enabled Bug Tracking System
* Online Web Shop Mall - Web Shop Site
* Online Workflow Service Manager & Automation
* Workflow based Complaint Management System
* Project Scrutinizer – Efficient Project Tracking System
* Project Tracking & It Portfolio Management System
* JSP based Shopping Cart Implementation
* ERP & CRM, An Effective implementation of ERP with CRM Solutions
* uPortal  –  University  Portal  &  Education  Grid  information  Service Provider
* Optimal Multicast Routing in ADHOC Networks With ADHOC Multicast Routing Protocol (AMRoute)
* Network Security System in DNS using AD-HOC Networks
* Mobile Banking Design & Implementation
* Intelli WAP System Implementation / WAP based information Retrieval System
* Remote City Mapping Implementation using J2ME
* Mobile Clients Support GUI Systems design
* JAVA J2ME  – Bluetooth based Application for PDA / Mobile Devices
* Bluetooth equipped mobile phones to support synchronous interaction with public displays
* Bluetooth based Mobile Phone Photo Browser
* Mobile Info Service Provider – Online Data & information Access System
* Digital Image Processing with Multi Domain Approach
* Image Compression and Analysis with MSE & PSNR Technique
* Online Handwritten Script Recognition
* System to Mobile Communication
* Web based Chatting - Multi User Voice Chat
* VOIP – Flexible & Efficient Voice Communicator, Voice Over IP
* Crypt kit  – A real time cryptographic system for security over the networks
* Optimizing the Execution of multiple data analysis queries on Parallel & Distributed Environments
* Patient Keeper: Medical Application on mobile Phone
* JSAFE - Rijndael Algorithm based Encryption & Decryption
* E–Secure Transaction – Design & Implementation
* Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Networks & intelligent Packet Filtering to Avoid Traffic & Congestion
* CAC – Connection Admission Control using ATM Networks Implementation
* Dynamic Server Replication System
* Mobile based Network Monitoring System
* Multi Router Traffic Monitor Implementation
* Mobile Agents in a Distributed Multimedia Database System
* Network Border Patrol for Congestion Collapse Preventing System
* Network Proctor  & Action Coordinator  - The Network Monitoring Daemon
* Network Traffic, Packet Analyzer and Sniffer
* Peer-to-Peer implementation Multithreaded Technology with tuple space
* Performance Evaluation of RMI - Latency, Round Trip Time & Packets Per Unit time
* VOIP – Flexible & Efficient Voice Communicator, Voice Over IP
* Modern English Spell Checking tool Design & Implementation
* J2EE based Quick Car Rental Services Implementation
* Online ATM Banking & online transactions
* On-Line Book store with online Shopping cart
* Career tracer - communicator between job seekers and job providers
* J Chat – A Chatting System over the Internet or local networks
* XTC: A Practical Topology Control Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks
* Image File compression & Transmission across the Network by MDA (Message Digest Algorithm)
* SLA-Driven Clustering of QOS Aware Application Servers
* Advanced instant Messenger & Message Broadcasting
* Online Airline Reservation Web portal for Traveling service provider
* Computer Resource Management System (CRMS)
* Content management systems (CMS) for University & Education portal
* Credit card system - web-based system facilitates on line operations
* Distributed Channel Management System
* Digital Signatures System Design & Implementation
* Distance Learning System Implementation
* Online E Banking provides online transactions
* Employee Training Tracking System
* E-Learning - web portal design and implementation
* Web Enabled Automated Manufacturing System - WEAMS
* Fire wall  - Customized Firewall for internet security  & inter-network traffic gateway
* Hospital Management system
* HR Consultancy and Applicant Database Management with XML
* Intranet Mailing System design and implementation
* Issue tracking System with Bug Tracking, Help Desk Ticketing  & Solutions
* Web based Online Library System
* Web based Online Book Store
* Loyalty Business Tracker Application System
* Net Banking Services Design & Implementation
* Net Conference Design & Implementation
* Design & Implementation of Online Bidding & Auction
* Online Tutorials - global forum for educators and students
* Call Centre Management System
* CALTOOL – Computer Aided Learning Tool
* Online Auction with featured shopping cart
* Online Enterprise Resources Planning  – Web Enabled ERP implementation with Distributed Database system
* SNMP Trap Gateway - Network Management
* Software Routing – Packet Filtering & Capturing
* Thin Client Network Implementation
* JEDITOR - Customized Java Editor
* eTutor - Online Tutorial, revolutionizing the tutoring industry   
* Pharmaceutical Distribution Automation Software system
* eSearch - A Search Engine Design & Implementation     
* SMTP based JAVA MAIL CLIENT Graphical User Interface system
* Java based Spam Filter implementation
* Project based Time & efforts Tracking System Implementation
* Training Organization Management System Implementation
* Web Testing Tool Application  - Designed to test  & measure performance
* Web based Job Site Management system – A Exclusive Job Portal with Mega features
* Employee Profile Management System  – An Effective Employee Management Resource
* Development of Web enabled Online, Dynamic ATM Card Management System
* ATM Card & CMS application Back Office Management
* Intranet Transformation of Voice with Data using Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP)
* Media Streaming in Mobile using J2ME Toolkit
* Efficient Monitoring, Managing, Detection of Networks  & its Components using SNMP Protocol
* Implementation of Security Kernel and Firewall using Java
* A Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Grid Service Reliability
* Bug Tracking System  - Comprehensive Bug Tracking  & Change Management
* Cargo Tracking System Design & implementation
* Job Portal Implementation with intelli power features
* Net Monitoring and Management using SNMP
* Network Component Development for XML Document Migration
* Neural Network based Character Pattern Identification System
* Schema based Enterprise Charting & Reporting for Desktops
* Data Hiding in Audio Files with PBE Encryption
* Components Framework for Developer Network using MVC Pattern
* Asynchronous Server Interaction using AJAX and XML
* On Demand Audio / Video Streaming & rendering Over IP using UDP
* Data Security in Ad hoc Networks Using Multipath Routing
* Distributed Token Circulation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
* Versioning Control System using JAVA
* Virtual Private Network using JAVA
* Voice based XML Phone Survey System
* WAP based information Retrieval System
* WAP based Route Tracing and Mailing
* Complete email system with an email server and an email client
* Image Compression and Decompression using Huffman’s
* Image Manipulation for Face Recognition
* Implementation of Broadcast Messaging System using Multi Threading
* Implementation of Packet Filtering Firewall in Linux Systems
* Implementation of Secured  & Encrypted Data Transmission over the Web
* Java Network Monitor / Java Network Browser
* Java SMTP, POP, Web Email Server
* On-Line Analytical Processing - Maintenance of Data collection  & Reports
* Smart Network Access Using Mobile Bluetooth, J2ME
* Online Health Care Management Solutions
* Online Distributed Human resources Management System
* WAP Enabled Greeting Card System - WAP Enabled Device User to send greeting card to other WAP Enabled Devices
* Web Enabled Supply Chain Management
* Wireless Application Programming with J2ME and Bluetooth
* XML Parser for E–Mail Resumes / Resume Tracking & allotment using XML 
* Instant Messaging and Presence Technology for College Campuses
* A Natural Language-Based Interface for Querying a Video Database
* CRM based Sales of Fleet & Services Management
* Data Encryption and Compression System with Optimization
* Dealership Management System  - Dealers information & Dealings Process Manager
* Defect Tracking Tool - Enterprise Project and Defect Tracking System
* Design & Development of a Distributed, Scalable File Sharing & Access System with Security
* Integrated & Distributed Enterprise Resource Planning with Customer Relationship Management Support
* Intelli Mobile Banking System Design & Implementation
* Investigation and Analysis of Packets Transformation in an Ethernet Network System
* Digital Image Processing – Time Domain
* Secure web conferencing on any platform using Java
* Secured Network Manager & Tracker using JMX
* SFTP Server - Synchronous File Transfer Communicator
* Multiplex & Demultiplex Conversion in Audio / Video Transcoding Systems
* Ultimate Online Jobsite with intelli Search engine
* Professional time and task management tool
* RAT (Remote Assistance Tool) is a Java Application
* Resource Planning Tool Design & Implementation (RPT)
* Sales Order Processing and invoicing (SOPI)
* Secure Electronic Transaction System
* Secure Web Cache Proxy Server

 JAVA PROJECTS, 2013-14 NON IEEE JAVA PROJECTS, Java Real Time Final Year Student Projects, Java Application Projects, Java Networking Projects

DOTNET PROJECTS, 2013-14 NON IEEE DOTNET PROJECTS, DOTNET Real Time Final Year Student Projects, DOTNET Application Projects, DOTNET Networking Projects, ASP.NET Projects, VB.NET Projects, C# Projects

Smarter way to do your Projects
* Defect Tracking Tool - Enterprise Project & Defect Tracking System
* E-Logistics for Warehouse Management  - Implementation of Authenticated and Dynamic Logistics Support System & Management
* E-Health Care - A Strategic Management System
* Dynamic University Linking & Data integrity Maintenance
* E-Recruitment System – Dynamic Online Professional Recruitment & Management System
* Distributed Component Router based CRM-Customer Relationship Management
* Distributed Component Router based Supply Chain Management System - SCM
* Distributed Component Router for E-Campus Management System
* ERP Application  – integrated Enterprise Solutions with Strategic advantages
* E-Banking System – online Banking Services
* Web enabled Supply Chain Management – A Logistics Approach
* Website Performance Monitor
* Secure Electronics Transactions – E Secure Transactions
* E – Mail Security and Administration
* Online Banking System – Electronic Net Banking Services
* CRM based Sales of Fleet & Services Management
* Dynamic College information System & Data integrity Maintenance
* On Line Effort Tracking System / Performance
* Bug Tracking System  - Comprehensive Bug Tracking  & Change Management
* Warehouse Management System Implementation with Zero Inventory Level
* EAI Approach – Implementation of EAI in Hotel Management System
* E-Commerce Shopping cart for B2B Implementation
* Online Auction  & Bidding System With Multi Brand  & Product Selection
* Online Body Shopping System with Auto Mailing feature
* Online Auction with featured shopping cart
* Online Banking – Net Banking & Back Office Operation
* Online Content Management System
* Web Server Information System
* eCareer and Consultancy Services
* Distributed Information and Reporting System
* Materials Management System with Forecasting Implementation
* Integrated Human Resource Information System
* Online Credit Card Banking System
* Web enabled Customer Relationship Management
* Web enabled Sales Order Processing
* Web enabled Purchase Order Processing
* Vertical Marketing Implementation  - Analyze the current market position
* Online Complete Recruitment System
* Online Distributed Human resources Management System
* Online Enterprise Resources Planning  – Web enabled ERP implementation with Distributed Database system
* Online Event Management with featured intelli system
* Online Health Care & Hospital Management Solutions
* Online Issue Tracking - Project Management Solutions
* Online Portfolio Manager  – Equity Trading  & Mutual Funds management
* Online Task Management with fully featured intelli System
* Online Intranet Site Design & Implementation
* Web based Portal Design & Implementation
* Online VRS- Vehicle Reservation System
* Network Traffic Monitoring & Web Administration
* Workflow based Complaint Management System
* On Line Tracking Logistic  - International Logistic Services for Shippers & Manufacturers
* Web Network Statistics Generator & Analyzer
* E-Commerce Front Store Implementation – E-Shopping Mall
* E-Commerce Implementation with Cart for B2B
* E-Commerce Implementation with Cart for B2C
* Online University Portal, Educational Grid Information
* Child Care Information System
* Matrimonial & Marriage Information Services Implementation
* Web Conference System Implementation
* Professional Net Banking Services
* Web Shopping Design & Implementation
* Online Hospital info System with interactive Services  & Universal Medical Portal with Adviser
* Online Insurance Management System
* Document Archival Management System – Electronic Archival Design
* Job Portal Implementation with intelli power features
* Network Document Management & Versioning System
* Building Intelligent Shopping Assistant using Datamining technique for Web Services
* Cargo Tracking System Design & implementation
* E-Governance Management Design & Implementation
* Web Administration & Authorization System
* Data mining implementation for Credit Cards Application Processing System
* Ultimate Online Jobsite with intelli Search engine
* WAP based information Retrieval System
* Web based CRM Implementation
* Web Enabled Supply Chain Management
* Dealership Management System  - Dealers information & Dealings Process Manager
* Distributed Data mining in Credit Card Fraud Detection Analysis
* E-Sales Order Processing System
* Human Resource Management Solutions (HRMS)
* Integrated & Distributed Enterprise Resource Planning With Customer Relationship Management Support
* Integrated Pharmacy & Billing - comprehensive solution for pharmacy stock maintenance & billing
* Inter Office Messaging System – IOMS, Office Automation System
* Logistics - freight forwarding software solution logistics
* Material Management Solution (MMS)
* Net Banking Services & Solutions
* Online Issue Tracking System
* Online Job Consultancy Services
* Shares  & Stock Management system  – Portfolio Manager Implementation
* Online Workflow Service Manager & Automation
* On Line Book / Stationary Shopping with Shop cart Assistance
* Professional time and task management tool
* Project Scrutinizer – Project Tracking System
* Project Tracking & It Portfolio Management System
* Sales Order Processing and invoicing (SOPI) 
* Secure Electronic Transaction System
* Web-based enterprise billing system for business 
* On Line Blood Bank Management System
* On Line Shopping Management
* On Line Doctor, Consultations with your own Private Doctor
* On Line Executive Time and Activity Management System
* On Line Human Resource Management System
* On Line Medical Products and Services Directory & Medical Services For Physicians
* On Line Professional Recruitment System
* On Line Purchase Order System
* On Line Banking Service–User Accounts/ Maintenance & Transaction
* On Line Consultancy & Recruitment Services for Hospitality Industries
* Asset Management Solution (AMS)
* E–Matrimony and On-Line Match Maker
* Real Estate - Online Services Automation
* Web Based Issue Tracking System / Bug Tracking System
* Web Based System for Real Estate Business
* Website for Travel Agency Services
* Development of a Feature-Rich, Resume Builder Application
* Web Based Reward Points Management System
* Development of a Feature-Rich, Practical Online On-Request Courses Coordination System (ORS)
* Development of a Feature-Rich, Practical Online Survey Tool (OST)
* Development of Web Based Document Version Controller
* Design and Development of Equity Trading Portfolio Manager
* Development of a Campaign Information System
* Development of a Practical Online Help Desk (OHD) for the Facilities in the Campus
* Online Job Provider and Search Portal with Online Exam Maintenance
* Customer Service Portal for Tourism and Travels Management
* Human Resource Management System
* Online Material Requisition, Collection and Stock Handling Management Portal
* E-Banking Transactions System with Portal for Bank Officials and Customers
* Online Bug Tracking And Customer Support System
* Online Healthcare System
* Online Matrimonial System

* Integrated Internet Information Monitoring & Messaging System
* Intelligent Network Information & Messaging System
* Integrated & Network Internet Mailing, Browsing & Messaging System & Solutions
* Networking Monitoring & Management System
* Digital Image Processing with Multi Domain Approach 
* Bug Tracking System  - Comprehensive Bug Tracking  & Change Management
* CRM – Customer Relationship Management, Implementation 
* Data mining implementation for Credit Cards Application Processing System
* Distributed Component Router based Supply Chain Management System - SCM
* Distributed Component Router for E-Campus Management System
* Dynamic College information System & Data integrity Maintenance
* Dynamic University Linking & Data integrity Maintenance
* E-Health Care - A Strategic Approach & Management System
* E-Logistics for Warehouse Management  - Implementation of Authenticated and Dynamic Logistics Support System & Management
* Datamining in Credit Card Fraud Detection
* Hand Written Character Recognition & Generation using NN
* Integrated Enterprise Recourses Planning Implementation with Distributed Database
* Datamining in Credit Card Fraud Detection
* Hand Written Character Recognition & Generation using NN
* Integrated Enterprise Recourses Planning Implementation with Distributed Database
* Secure Optimal Cyclic Cryptographic System
* Network Simulator & Communicator with Remote Administration Tool
* Photo Editor – Image Editor for the Image Management Solutions
* Network Security & Control – Design & Implementation
* Office Automation Tools  - Inter Office Messaging System
* Hospital info System with interactive Services  & Universal Medical Portal with Adviser
* Issue Tracking - Project Management Solutions
* Portfolio Manager – Equity Trading & Mutual Funds management
* Task Management with fully featured intelli System
* Net Flow Analyzer, Network Monitor / Network Browser
* Network Analyzer & Network Monitoring Tool
* Network based Multi Threaded and Multi System Port Scanner
* Network based Secured Data Transfer using Stenographic Encryption
* Network Document Management & Versioning System
* Network enabled Remote Host Monitoring System  
* Network Protector  & Action Coordinator  - The Network Monitoring Daemon
* Network Remote Controlling and Monitoring System
* Network Service & Performance Monitoring System
* Efficient Intra Office Conference System Implementation
* Intranet Information Exchange Server & Client
* Integrated Campus Management
* HRMS – Human Resources Management System
* Complete Recruitment Manager – Design & Implementation
* E-Recruitment System - Dynamic Online Professional Recruitment & Management System
* Purchase Order System - POP
* Integrated approach to Pharmacy & its Inventory Management
* Intelligent Banking System – A Novel Approach to Banking Solutions
* Remote Access Server - Integrated Design & Implementation
* Integrated Design & Implementation of Various Server & Clients
* Image Compression and Decompression using Huffman’s
* Image Filters, Image Processing and Filtering using user defined class
* ERP: Sales Function – Sales Order Processing
* ERP: Purchase Function – Purchase Order processing
* ERP: Financials Function – Financial Management system
* ERP: Service Function – Service Flow Automation
* ERP: Fixed Assets Management Solutions
* ERP: Human Resources – Human Resource Management System
* ERP: Shop Floor Function – Work Flow Shop Keeper
* Secure Proxy Server Design & Implementation
* Secured Network Manager & Tracker 
* Cryptographic Hash Algorithm Implementation
* Network Traffic Monitor & IP Statistics
* Design & Implementation of Integrated Internet Servers
* Design & Implementation of Multi Special Mailing System & Services
* Proxy Server - Design & Implementation
* Virtual Class Room - Design & Implementation
* Shipping Management Implementation System
* Integrated Diagnostics & Prediction System using Fuzzy Logic
* Expert System Application about Central Nervous System – CNS
* Point of sale system for shopping marts and pharmacy store
* Advanced Image Processing Techniques Implementation
* Asset Management Solution (AMS)
* Complete Help Desk & Asset Management Software
* CRM based Sales of Fleet & Services Management
* Customer Service and Call Tracking Applications
* Defect Tracking Tool - Enterprise Project and Defect Tracking System
* Digital Image Processing – Frequency Domain / Digital Image Processing – Time Domain
* Distributed Component Router Based CRM – Customer Relationship
* Distributed Data mining in Credit Card Fraud Detection Analysis
* Distributed Dealership Management System
* Document Archival Management System – Electronic Archival Design
* Employee Performance Monitoring System Performance
* Employee Scheduling Software & Attendance Tracking System
* E-Sales Order Processing System
* E-Security, Encryption / Decryption by Various Algorithms
* Fleet Management - Manage Your Fleet Services
* HMS – Hospital Management System
* Hotel Management System
* Remote Activation through another PC, Over the Network
* Remote Administration & Communication using Networking
* Remote Configuring, Accessing and Process Monitoring System
* Remote Desktop Connection & Service Establishment
* Remote Performance Tester, Performance Tester for Server
* Sales Order Processing and Invoicing (SOPI)
* Secure Electronic Transaction System
* Integrated & Distributed Enterprise Resource Planning With Customer Relationship Management Support
* Intelligent Network Diagrams and Monitors Service Status
* Inter Office Messaging System – IOMS, Office Automation System
* Interactive Voice Response System  – Banking Services Information System, Design & Implementation

DOTNET PROJECTS, 2013-14 NON IEEE DOTNET PROJECTS, DOTNET Real Time Final Year Student Projects, DOTNET Application Projects, DOTNET Networking Projects, ASP.NET Projects, VB.NET Projects, C# Projects


M.E / M.TECH – CSE / IT / SE
R&D / PH.D.,
MCA, MS, M.Sc – CS / IT / SW
Where the Technology & Solutions Meet


109, 2nd Floor, Bombay Flats, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai – 600 034
Near Ganpat / Taj Hotel, Above IOB, Next to ICICI Bank
044-2823 5816, 98411 93224, 89393 63501,,


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Where the Technology & Solutions Meet
Mobile Computing * Dependable & Secure Computing * Networking * Parallel & Distributed Systems * Cloud Computing * Knowledge and Data Engineering * Image Processing * Software Engineering * Network Security * Web Services * PA & ML * Android Systems
Application Projects * Networking * Grid Computing * ADHOC, MANETS, WSN, Web Services, Cloud Computing, Android Applications, Web Services & Portal Management, System Projects, Cluster Computing, Communication System, Biometrics, Access Control, Enterprise Computing, ERP, CRM, SCM, System to Mobile Communication, WAP Services, Image Processing, Security Systems, Cryptography and many more…

M.E / M.TECH – CSE / IT / SE
R&D / PH.D.,
MCA, MS, M.Sc – CS / IT / SW

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